
Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript

Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript   Free Tutorial Download

JavaScript developers can use the TensorFlow framework to create a machine learning (ML) project. This course introduces you to ML basics, and demonstrates how to set up and use TensorFlow to train a model and generate live results. Emmanuel Henri shows how to create a new project; how to work with different tensor types, variables, models, and layers; how to import a project and explore datasets; how TensorFlow executes model training; how to convert a saved model for the web; and more.

Topics include:

  • Using TensorFlow
  • Machine learning (ML) basics
  • Creating a project with TensorFlow
  • Working with tensors and variables
  • TensorFlow ML operations
  • Working with models and layers
  • Importing a project
  • Exploring datasets
  • Training a model
  • Using Python-based models in JS
  • Converting SavedModel to web


Download  Learning TensorFlow with JavaScript  Free

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