
Selenium WebDriver and Design Patterns

Selenium WebDriver and Design Patterns   Free Tutorial Download

Design Patterns are repeatable and reusable solutions for software design related issues. This course helps you to get introduced to the some of the frequently used Design Patterns in the software development community and demo how we can use them in Test Automation to achieve better re-usability and maintainability in the Test Automation Frameworks, Page Objects, Test classes design!

We will learn these design patterns along with Single Responsibility Principle.

  • Factory Pattern
  • Strategy Pattern
  • Command Pattern
  • Template Method Pattern
  • Proxy Pattern
  • Execute Around Method Pattern
  • Decorator Pattern

Note: This course does not have captions enabled.

Who this course is for:

  • Anybody who has interests in Test Automation
  • Sr SDET / Lead / Principal / Architect SDET
  • Test Automation Framework design


Download  Selenium WebDriver and Design Patterns  Free


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