
Easy HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap Web Design for Beginners – Html5, CSS3 and Bootstrap Tutorial

Easy HTML5 + CSS3 + Bootstrap Web Design for Beginners – Html5, CSS3 and Bootstrap Tutorial

Do you want to learn how to build your own websites?

Do you want to become a web developer?

Do you just want to know how to customize the design of a website created with WordPress (or other web-builder) so it looks like you want it to?

HTML & CSS are the basic building blocks of the website world! And this is the perfect course for you to dive right in and learn them.

Why should you enroll in this course?
1. It’s great for absolute beginners, with NO coding or web development experience required!
Many of the other courses on HTML5 and CSS3 on Udemy are too advanced, or use language that is confusing to a beginner. We break down every definition and step of the process so you never get lost.

2. Project-based learning. Plus it’s free to build websites!
Learning is better when you’re actually doing. As you follow along with each section of the course, you’ll be building your own websites. Plus, we’ll be using free applications to do so – Brackets and Google Chrome. No matter what type of computer you have – Windows, Mac, Linux – you can get started.

Seriously, within the first hour of the course, you’ll be building your own basic websites!

3. No more boring lectures!
If you’ve watched other HTML5 and CSS3 courses or tutorials before, you know that it can be difficult to make it interesting and fun. The instructors Nick and Phil strive to make each lesson fun and interesting, so you feel like you’re actually learning something new… and progressing… all while having fun!

4. Real world case studies!
It’s great to learn how to use HTML and CSS, but it’s even better if you know how what you are learning applies to real-world websites. Throughout the entire course, Nick shows how real websites are using HTML and CSS today. Phil follows up with personal case studies of how even beginner’s can use HTML and CSS to customize their own websites.

* Start by understanding how to use HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap
* Each section builds upon the previous ones to give you a complete understanding of the basics of HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap
* Once you are in the Bootstrap section, you’ll learn how to quickly develop and design beautiful responsive websites
* Finally, you’ll put all your knowledge together with full website projects such as creating a modern landing page

YES – if you are a complete beginner with no experience building a website.
YES – if you already know some HTML and CSS, but want to learn everything from the ground up so you know how to build a complete website.
YES -if you don’t necessarily want to be a web developer, but want to understand how HTML and CSS work so you can customize your own WordPress site (or other type of website)
NO – if you already know the basics of HTML and CSS. If that’s the case, we recommend a more advanced HTML and CSS course.

Screenshot Tutorials/Courses

Info Tutorials/Courses

Manufacturer: Yudomi / Udemy
Language of instruction: English
Teacher: Phil Ebiner, Nick Walter, Video School Online Inc
Level of training: Preliminary
time of training: 8 hours + 37 minutes
File size: 2960 MB


Password : freetuts.download

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