
The Complete C # Developer Course

The Complete C # Developer Course

Hello and welcome to the Complete C# Developer Course, The one and only course you will need to learn C# and object-oriented programming. This is more like a collection of many courses brought together to help you learn C# and how to use it efficiently. This course is by far the most comprehensive and effective on the market. Here’s why:

The course will teach you almost everything about C# language.

This course start with you from zero experience in programming and starts to level up to the object-oriented programming till you reach the advanced concepts and topics of C#.

It will help you learn any programming languages other than C# later, because the course discusses almost every programming concepts and of course how to implement it in C#.

You will experience more than 200 examples, 30 exercises, 24 assignments and over 150 quiz questions.

You will learn about the new features in C# 7 like Enhanced tuples, out variables, local functions, expression bodied members, pattern matching and other more features.

This course will cover different encryption and decryption methods.

You will be very familiar with Visual Studio and many of its features like snippets and how to use them and even create custom snippets.

You will learn about real world staff like naming conventions, the small little differences between data types, terminologies, programming concepts and more.

Understand the advanced concepts such as multithreading, the synchronous and asynchronous programming.

Get familiar with the .Net framework structure and understand is the .Net framework.

Screenshot Tutorials/Courses

Info Tutorials/Courses

Manufacturer: Yudomi / Udemy
Language of instruction: English
Moderator: Ahmad Mohey
Level of training: Elementary, Secondary
Time of training: 19 hours + 50 minutes
File size: 2250 MB


Password : freetuts.download

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