Data Structures and Algorithms
Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java – Learn Building Data and Algorithms with Java
Learn about Arrays, Linked Lists, Trees, Hashtables, Stacks, Queues, Heaps, Sort algorithms and Search algorithms
So you’ve worked with the basics of data structures and algorithms in Java (or another OO programming language) but feel like you need a deeper knowledge of how things work.
Maybe you have taken other courses on this topic that focus on how to pass job interview tests (theory) instead of how to make good choices for the programs you develop (implementation).
Or maybe you are ready to move from junior programming to a more senior one and need to be skilled in advanced concepts like data structures and how to apply them to your own projects.
Whatever the reason, if you are looking for a course that focuses on implementations to give you a complete understanding of how things work, then this is the course for you.
This course goes over the theory of how things work, but only to give you what you need to know to understand the implementation covered.
Complete source code is included and available for you to download.
Screenshot Tutorials/Courses
Info Tutorials/Courses
Manufacturer: Yudomi / Udemy
Language of instruction: English
Teacher: Tim Buchalka’s Learn Programming Academy, Sarah Ettritch
Level of training :, Secondary
Training Time: 15 hours + 53 minutes
File Size: 1600 MB