
Beginner React (2019). Create a Movie Web App

UPDATED dec 2018.

Are you a developer and a beginner at React? Do you want to learn React.js fundamentals in a real world project oriented course? Do you like quick learning and straight down to the point? Then this is the course for you!

Guaranteed no “foo” and “bar” … and no “to-do-list” app 😉

There’s many great React.js courses out there but they’re very huge and A LOT to grasp for beginners. My teaching style and belief is that you learn more by creating many smaller projects than one overwhelming 25 + hours course that tries to show you everything and don’t focus on the fundamentals that much. So this is a 3 hour(ish) course where You’ll learn how to create a Movie App from scratch based on The Movie DB API.

Some reviews are saying: 

“One of the best project oriented courses on Udemy very recommended”

“The instructor was very creative in figuring out a nice illustrative use case for the Movie DB API.”

“A perfect course and a great project with the best explanation possible, I recommend it to everyone that wants to understand the logic of React and how it works.”

What will we do in the course?

We’ll build a light version of an IMDB style React DB Web Application and dive straight into creating our app and gradually learn more until we reach the finish.

My main goal with this course is to mix fun with teaching. There’s many tutorials and courses out there that are great but too complex and focus on a lot at the same time. I’m a great movie lover myself so therefore I thought it would be fun to create a web application based on movie data for this course. Hope you enjoy it too!

Please make sure to download the STARTER FILES from the resources!

PLEASE NOTE! We’re using a free API key from The Movie Database in this course. This is a great API with a lot of information about Movies and TV Series. Please note that I can not guarantee that the API key i have provided for the course will work forever. Therefore I will not take responsibility for this. I strongly recommend you to get your own free API key from The Movie Database. Just register for a free account at The Movie Database and go to your account setting area and select API in the menu. There you can register for your own free API key.

In this course you’ll learn:

– React Fundamentals

– Components, props and state

– JSX syntax and expressions

– Fetching data from an external API

– Lifecycle Methods

– Use Create-React-App

– Deploy the finished App

– ES6+ concepts and syntax

– Use Local Storage to keep state

– BONUS: Destructuring state and props with ES6

Who this course is for:
  • Coders who want to learn React

Screenshot Tutorials/Courses

Download Free Tutorial Beginner React (2019). Create a Movie Web App


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