C++ Algorithm Series: Stacks and Queues
Description C++ Algorithm Series: Stacks and Queues Free Download
Know the basics of C++ and want to further sharpen your skills? Then follow along with C++ expert Advait Jayant in his next course in the C++ Algorithm Series, and master how to work with stacks and queues.
If you need to first develop a fundamental knowledge of C++, watch this excellent video on C++. Also here are all of Advait Jayant’s highly-rated videos on O’Reilly, including the full C++ Algorithm Series.
The following 13 topics will be covered through a combination of lecture and hands-on to maximize your learning of stacks and queues in C++:
- Introducing Stacks in C++. This first topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains the concept of stacks in C++. A stack is a linear data structure which follows a particular order in which the operations are performed, such as LIFO or FILO.
- Implementing Stacks using Arrays in C++. This second topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to implement stacks using arrays in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Implementing Stacks using Linked Lists in C++. This third topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to implement stacks using linked lists in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Implementing Stacks using Vectors in C++. This fourth topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to implement stacks using vectors in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Implementing Stacks using Templates in C++. This fifth topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to implement stacks using templates in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Implementing Stacks using the Stack STL in C++. This sixth topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to implement stacks using the Stack Standard Template Library (STL) in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Using Two Extra Stacks for Stack Reversal in C++. This seventh topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to use two extra stacks for stack reversal in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Using One Extra Stack for Stack Reversal in C++. This eighth topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to use one extra stack for stack reversal in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Using Recursion for Stack Reversal in C++. This ninth topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to use recursion to perform stack reversal in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Solving the Balanced Parenthesis Problem using Stacks in C++. This tenth topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to solve the Balanced Parenthesis Problem using stacks in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Introducing Queues in C++. This 11th topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains the concept of queues in C++. Learn about the enqueue and dequeue operators.
- Implementing Queues using Arrays in C++. This 12th topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to implement queues using arrays in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
- Implementing Queues using the Queue STL in C++. This 13th topic in this C++ Stacks and Queues course explains how to implement queues using the queue Standard Template Library (STL) in C++. Follow along with Advait in this hands-on session.
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