
Complete Android Development with Kotlin Masterclass

Complete Android Development with Kotlin Masterclass   Free Tutorial Download

Here in Complete Android Development with Kotlin you will learn how to create applications using Kotlin Programming language.

Android leads the market of mobile operating systems, and it is now kotlin first. Numbers of  android developers using kotlin is increasing everyday, till now up to 60% of professional android developers has started using kotlin in their apps.

In this course we will start by basics of android, like creating simple user interfaces and having an introduction to layout scaling, then we start giving functionality to our apps, so the user can interact with the UI.

In creating every project you will learn coding in Kotlin gradually.

We will have an introduction to algorithms and how they could be helpful for solving our problems in code.

We will see how we can get and send data over internet, as most real world applications do.

We will have an introduction to ConstraintLayouts and how we can create complex layouts with it.

We will learn about creating Animations with ConstraintLayout.

We will learn about fragments and the newly JetPack Component called, Navigation Component.

We will Create a Diary App to Implement CRUD with SqlLite.

We will Create our own MusicPlayer.

We will Create a Chat Application using Firebase and its features like, firebase Authentication, firebase Cloud Messaging, Firebase Realtime Database, Storage.

and We will use Firebase Machine Learning to integrate TextRecognition, BarcodeScanning, Image Labeling and Face Detection in our apps.

During the course I tried to teach you not just code, but also Code in a clean and structured way, something that makes you a professional developer and separate you from other developers.

Who this course is for:

  • Students with no programming experience
  • Experienced developers who want to increase their knowledge of android


Download  Complete Android Development with Kotlin Masterclass  Free


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