
Create a web application with python + Flask + PostgreSQL

Create a web application with python + Flask + PostgreSQL   Free Tutorial Download

What you’ll learn

  • Build a web application with a database backend
  • Deploy web application to the internet via heroku
  • Create database and table with PostgreSQL
  • Setup Flask development environment
  • Create endpoints for a web application
  • Render Templates
  • Use conditional statements
  • Use for loop to iterate over a list
  • Create routes for web app


  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript would help not mandatory
  • Basic knowledge of database concepts
  • Basic knowledge of Python required
  • Pc or Mac with internet required


Python is a popular  and general purpose programming language that can be used for a variety of things like:

  • Web Development
  • Scientific Computing / Data Science
  • Machine Learning
  • Start-ups
  • FinTech and the Financial Industry
  • Software development
  • Mathematics
  • System scripting
  • Connecting to databases

Flask is a small and lightweight Python web framework that provides useful tools and features that make creating web applications in Python easier. It gives developers flexibility and is a more accessible framework for new developers since you can build a web application quickly using only a single Python file. Flask is also extensible and doesn’t force a particular directory structure or require complicated boilerplate code before getting started.

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system . PostgreSQL allows to create databases and store data . It also allows you to interact with the data inside the database.

In this course we will create a web based application using Python and Flask and we will create and store objects inside a PostgreSQL  database that will interact with our web application’s front end. We will also deploy the web application to the internet via heroku

Who this course is for:

  • Beginners to to Flask

Download  Create a web application with python + Flask + PostgreSQL  Free

https://www.dropbox.com/s/q49207pbj2kgxy2/[ freetuts.download ] Udemy – Create a web application with python + Flask + PostgreSQL.zip?dl=0

Password : freetuts.download

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