Extreme Alexa Skills Dev- Mastering Templates and Back-End
Extreme Alexa Skills Dev- Mastering Templates and Back-End
- The tools required for professional skill development workflow
- How to build a custom Alexa skills template
- How to build Alexa skills using TypeScript
- How to increase skill building speed and efficiency
- How to create a back-end for their skill in AWS
- How to automate their skill infrastructure
- How to automate building and deployment of their skill
- Have built and published at least 1 Alexa Skill
- Understand front-end development methodologies and tools
- Have a basic understanding of AWS
- Have a basic understanding of the command line
- Have a basic working understanding of source control (Git)
Now is the time to Become an expert Alexa Skill developer. This course offers high value, exclusive, professional-grade content. It all starts with setting up a foundation to quickly build and iterate on complex, premium, professional Alexa Skills. The Extreme Alexa Skills Development Series is for individuals who want to learn the secrets of quickly building professional-level Alexa Skills. This course focuses on building custom starter templates and automated infrastructure and workflow. This course is ideal for students who are ready to take their Alexa skills to the next level.
The course quickly ramps up as you immediately start creating a custom Alexa Skill template from scratch, using TypeScript. You start with zero code, and build out the template step-by-step. You add reusable constructs that speed up and simplify adding advanced functionality such as output speech variation, attribute syncing and handling, managing run time state, managing in-skill products, and more.
After you learn how to build a custom template from scratch, you jump into automating the infrastructure that powers the Alexa Skill. You will learn how to quickly add a complete back-end for the Alexa Skill, including the lambda function, a dedicated website and CDN, and advanced security. Once you have this infrastructure setup, you can create new skills based on the template and infrastructure within minutes.
Finally, you learn how to pull all of the pieces together to create a powerhouse template that combines boilerplate skill code as well as a completely scripted automated infrastructure. You see first-hand how to completely automate the skill development workflow, all with zero console configuration.
- Beginner to Intermediate Alexa Skill developers
- Entry level to Junior professional developers
- Senior Developers
- AWS Developers with some Alexa Skills Development experience
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