
Git Basics for Everyone

Git Basics for Everyone   Free Tutorial Download

Git is one of the famous Version Control Software (VCS) at present. It is part of Source Code Management (SCM). In this course, you would learn and understand the basic concept of git and git commands including GitHub exercises. This course is for those who know little of git fundamentals or want to learn git for daily purposes. It covers essential git commands like setting up repositories, saving changes, syncing remotely with GitHub repo, merging few conflicts, etc.

Key concepts covered in Git Fundamentals:

  • Understanding version control software
  • How Version control works
  • Introduction to git and github
  • Essential git commands
    • Setting up repository
    • Saving changes locally
    • Syncing repositories
    • Merging and Branching
  • What’s Next

Who this course is for:

  • Students interested to learn git with real world examples
  • Developers who want to learn and understand git commands
  • Who wants to learn git, github basics with examples


Download  Git Basics for Everyone  Free


Password : freetuts.download

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