
Introduction to Git and GitHub for Python Developers

Introduction to Git and GitHub for Python Developers   Free Tutorial Download

Have you ever worked on a Python project that stopped working after you made a change here or a PEP-8 cleanup there, and you weren’t quite sure how to get it back? Version control systems can help you solve that problem and other related ones. Git is one of the most popular version control systems today.

In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through what Git is, how to use it for your personal projects, and how to use it in conjunction with GitHub to work with other people on larger projects. We’ll look at how to create a repo, how to add both new and modified files, and how to navigate through your project’s history so you can “get back” to when your project was working.

This article assumes you already have Git installed on your system. If you don’t, the excellent Pro Git book has a section on how to do that.


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