
PC Maintenance 2020

 PC Maintenance 2020   Free Tutorial Download

Tune Up Your PC

Swift boot times and speedy operations are among the greatest joys of unboxing and firing up a brand-new PC. After all, we want our PCs to run at peak performance, regardless of whether we have a budget laptop or a beast gaming desktop. Inevitably, however, that out-of-the-box performance fades away. Eventually, every PC slow downs, either gradually or suddenly. In those instances, you should invest in a tune-up utility.

All computers eventually lose that day-one luster, becoming lethargic, unresponsive, and, at worst, unreliable. The operating system gets gunked up as apps are added and incompletely deleted, leaving behind drivers and all sorts of other system detritus. Their hard drives fill up with forgotten files we’ve abandoned in folders whose existence we’ve forgotten. Programs build up enormous caches behind the scenes that we don’t even know about. Eventually, our full hard drives choke the OS as it tries to run. Outdated drivers cease to work correctly. Toolbars and other plug-ins can precipitously slow our browsers to a crawl. It doesn’t matter how diligent you are, or what sort of productivity software you use to get the most out of your time if end up sitting around and waiting for your computer to catch up to you.

When our machines become so impaired through use and neglect that we can no longer use Microsoft Word or play PC games with the same speed and efficiency to which we have become accustomed, we often ponder buying new computers. But that’s a drastic solution, and one that’s frequently unnecessary. Instead, you can get often that fresh-out-the-box performance for tens of dollars—instead hundreds or even thousands—thanks to a relatively inexpensive tool: the PC tune-up utility.

We tested all the tune-up utilities in this story on a junked-up Windows 7 PC, but are moving gradually to a Windows 10 test bed. We’ve already evaluated several of them using a Windows 10 machine, and expect to move all review tests to that platform by later this year. Note that Microsoft’s newest operating system has many built-in tools for improving your PC’s performance. So, check out How to Tune Up Your Windows 10 PC for Free for some recommended setting fixes.


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