R for Excel Users – Learn R – language for Excel user
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Data scientists who use Excel understand that R is emerging as the new standard for statistical wrangling (especially for larger data sets). This course, as the perfect bridge for many Excel-based data analysts and business users who need to update their data science skills by learning R. A lot of the course focuses on how critical statistical tasks and operations are done in R-often with the The DescTools package is contrasted with Excel’s functions and Data Analysis add-on, and then scales up from there, showing R’s more powerful features. Conrad Carlberg will help you effectively toggle between the two programs, moving data back and forth so you can get the best of both worlds. Start by learning how to install R and the DescTools package, and the data files used in all hands-on exercises. Then learn about calculating descriptive statistics on numeric and nominal variables, and running bivariate analyzes in both Excel and R. In the “Next steps” video, Conrad breaks down the pros and cons of Excel vs. R and provides tips for learning more about statistics in each application.
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