REST API’s RESTFul from 0 to AWS with Spring Boot and Docker
REST API’s RESTFul from 0 to AWS with Spring Boot and Docker Free Tutorial Download
- 10% Theory and 90% Practice
- Developing a RESTFul API from absolute 0
- Best practices for developing API’s
- Understand the theoretical foundation of REST
- How to work with Postman
- How to make RESTful requests using Postman
- Understand the RESTful Maturity Model
- Top REST Verbs
- Using parameters via query, path, header, and body
- API Pagination
- API Versioning
- Understand Media Types and Content Negotiation
- Upload files in your API
- Make download files available in your API
- You will learn in practice HATEOAS
- Document an API with Swagger
- SQL and Migrations Basics
- REST Authentication Techniques and Security with JWT
- How to use some design patterns
- Split application architecture into different layers
- Leverage AWS core services like RDS, EC2, IAM User and ECS
- Continuous Integration and Deploy involving Docker, Github, Travis CI, and Amazon AWS
- Deploy your API on AWS Cloud
- BONUS – Docker Basics
- BONUS – Docker Compose Basics
- BONUS – How to deploy the project in the cloud
- Basic concepts of Object Orientation
- Basic knowledge of SQL and any relational database
- Basic concepts of Java
- Basic concepts of HTTP Request and Response
**** Come specialize in API development with the revolutionary Spring Boot framework that is a real fever today!
The course is still under development. The core of the course is now available, and the last two sections have already been recorded and will be edited and added by the end of April. *****
These two new sessions will address the topics:
- Deployment at Amazon AWS [IN EDITION]
- Amazon AWS Continuous Integration with Travis CI [IN EDITION]
This course teaches the core fundamentals of APIs REST and RESTful Webservices both in theory (10%) and in practice (90%). This knowledge will be applied to the implementation of a RESTful API with SpringBoot 2.x and Java. We will start with a simple application that will gradually advance to more complex scenarios. We will cover HTTP notions, verbs/methods, parameter types, pagination, file upload and download, versioning, HATEOAS, Swagger, authentication, and security with JWT and Spring Security, etc.
We will add Docker support and deploy our API on an Amazon AWS EC2 instance manually. And to close the course with a golden key, we will implement a continuous integration pipeline involving Docker, Github, Travis CI, and an ECS Cluster on Amazon AWS. It will be amazing you simply commit your code and push to Github, Travis CI builds Docker Images and deploys it on Amazon “Automagically”.
Finally, the main objective of the course is to serve as a starting point from which students can expand their knowledge of the subject and “walk with their legs.”
- Early career developers who need to learn how to develop a REST/RESFul API from scratch
- Software developers and engineers
- For back-end developers with knowledge of ASP NET, Rails, Django, Node, etc. and want to learn how to do what they know but with other technology
- Front end developers who want to become full-stack
- Anyone who has tried other REST/RESTful Webservices tutorials and found that they were very slow, outdated, and boring!
Download REST API’s RESTFul from 0 to AWS with Spring Boot and Docker Free